Sunday, September 7, 2008

A little Ray of Sunshine

So we have been stationed at East Side Fire Department for the past few days to ward off any dangers of Gustav. While there , I met the littlest and BRIGHTEST ray of sunshine!!! Eli !! His mom Hillary , has a blog here and there you can read her ups and downs of being the Blessed MOM of 3 spectacular children. If you haven't met Eli you can here. He was last years ultimate LSU Tiger Fan! I am so happy to have met Hillary , Jonah, Eli and Charolette!!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

That's the sweetest thing ever! Eli's been walking around saying "I miss my new fwiends." :) We need to get together once the world stops being crazy. Love these pictures you got. Especially the go green one! LOL! I saw one the other day in front of a house with a tree through it that said, "Where's my FEMA check?" :)

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Hello! My name is Angelica. I am the owner/ operator of ChildishCouture. What started to be a small scale commercial modeling business has expanded into a passion! I am a natural light/ on location lifestyle photographer. My style is unique, unposed, and unrehearsed which results in a memorable,natural image. So Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow, and Live Today! Schedule your session with me by emailing or for detail information concerning the session visit:

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