Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Such a Little Diva!!

Meet 10 month old Miss "I". I came with her family for a photoshoot ! She is quite the poser and loves to smile!! Throughout her outfit changes, she was very eager to get in front of the camera.. Thank You "I" and to her Mommy and Daddy for bringing the kids in for their photoshoot!! This is just a peak for you all!! I will be posting the rest of the family session soon!!


Shannon said...

These are turning out great! I can't wait to see the rest!

Amber @ RuffleButts said...

Oh my gosh, your work is fabulous and this little darling is just precious!!

I don't know how, but somehow I overlooked your comment on the RuffleBlog...I am so appreciative of you recommending our RuffleButts!! You are so very sweet and I do sincerely appreciate your time to stop by...and for the blessed pregnancy wishes!

I am so glad to have found your blog, and really love your work!!


The Childish Couture Session: Fee Information

Childish Couture Photography"cherish yesterday.dream today"
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Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Hello! My name is Angelica. I am the owner/ operator of ChildishCouture. What started to be a small scale commercial modeling business has expanded into a passion! I am a natural light/ on location lifestyle photographer. My style is unique, unposed, and unrehearsed which results in a memorable,natural image. So Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow, and Live Today! Schedule your session with me by emailing or for detail information concerning the session visit:

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